Sunday, May 13, 2012

On Mother's Day...

On Mother's Day, I am thankful for my little ones. I am thankful for their sweet little mouths that call me "Mommy" and love to give me kisses. I am thankful for their big puppy dog eyes that are so often so hard to say no to. I am thankful for their little bodies that wrap themselves around me and snuggle me while we watch cartoons. I am thankful for their little minds and how they continuously astound me. I am thankful for their little hearts and how warm and loving they are. I am thankful for the privilege and blessing of being called their mommy.
On Mother's Day, I am thankful for my mom. She is constantly giving of herself to me...and I guess she really has for the last twenty-seven years and for that I am grateful. She has shown me how to give selflessly and to love my family. She LOVES my kids and for that I am grateful and they adore her. Mom, I know I don't tell you nearly enough but I love you and I am so thankful for you.
On Mother's Day, I am thankful for my mother-in-law. Not only am I thankful for how she raised her son but also for praying me into his life. She told me from the time we started dating that she prayed we would be together and I know it's because of that we are. I am thankful for how she has shown me how to open our house to those around us and she has been an example of a pastor's wife to me and for that I am grateful.
On Mother's Day, I am thankful for those women in my life, some of them old enough to be my mom and some not quite, who have poured themselves into me like I was their daughter. I am beyond grateful for those women who have given of themselves and displayed in front of me how to be a godly wife and mother and have encouraged me in my walk with the Lord and just spent time with me. For those women I am grateful.
On Mother's Day, I have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful to God for allowing me to embrace this journey called motherhood.

...oh, and I'm pretty thankful I get to share my special day with this adorable little 2-year-old birthday boy!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012